Report table L42 (1946-07-27 -- 1946-08-24)
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oval object with small wings, strong sound
sighting of ""fiery balls""
strongly luminous white object
bluish, clearly visible meteor
object with magnesium-like light, flew into the clouds
""rocket-like"" phenomenon
brightly luminous object, white smoke
white ball with tail fell towards water
reddish fireball with tail of smoke
dark-green welding-arc, dissolved
cigar-shaped, no light or sound, fast
black cigar that somersaulted through the air


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2288May 7, 2015 9:29 PMandersThumbnail = null ()
3824Aug 18, 2015 5:50 PM Thumbnail = ["d7e53c558a7464854ac48f9f56aa3d47.jpg","d7e53c558a7464854ac48f9f...