Report table L34 (1946-08-11 -- 1946-08-11)
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yellow-white ball with tail, plus a smaller ball trailing
a ball with strong light, distance 50-100 meters
sharply white ball with tail, fell towards ground
fireball big as a football, sparkling tail
blue-green fireball with tail, no sound
whitish fireball with blue tail
""60 cm"" dark ball, yellow-white, sparkles
yellow-blue ball followed by cone-shaped tail
white ball with tail of sparks, soundless
fireball big as a football, sparkling tail
light-yellow strongly luminous fireball with tail
many-coloured ball with sparks and a tail
blue-white sphere with tail, no sound
strong yellow ball with narrowing tail
""0.5 meter fireball"", tail, humming sound
fireball, sparkling tail, soundless
yellow-white fireball, black with smaller ball
welding-arc with tail, crackling sound
strongly luminous streak of yellow-white light
light-blue ball, tail, extinguished
green luminous ball, yellow brilliant tail
yellow-shining cone with sparks
tapered in front, cut-off behind, yellow


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2281May 7, 2015 9:03 PMandersThumbnail = null ()
3818Aug 18, 2015 5:50 PM Thumbnail = ["4c95b7329d9e1f3b38e485a85e93a054.jpg","4c95b7329d9e1f3b38e485a8...