Report table L31 (1946-08-11 -- 1946-08-11)
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magnesium-light with red-yellow balls of gas
seemed like a falling star, but bigger
big fireball with fireflame after
yellow-red fireball with sparks, extinguished
strongly luminous body, extinguished
ball with fire tail, sparks, smell
glowing fireball with spires, split up
oblong fireball, a dark object behind
white light, glowing red point
yellow tail of fire
blue-white fireball, light went out
cone with an opening at the back, whitish shine
round fireball with tail
green fireball, tail of red-yellow sparks
fireball, green-yellow tail
fieball with tail and sparks
""fishlike"" fireball, whitish
""2 meter long"" light phenomenon, yellow-white
a dark object that ""sprinkled"" a luminous tail
luminous ball, long luminous tail
white body of light with two red flames of exhaust


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2278May 7, 2015 8:58 PMandersThumbnail = null ()
3815Aug 18, 2015 5:50 PM Thumbnail = ["8ec28ac276bea7ffcb4edb056c638a69.jpg","8ec28ac276bea7ffcb4edb05...