Report table L17 (1946-07-20 -- 1946-07-23)
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very narrow, like a thin streak in the air, humming noise
ball with luminous tail seen for 5-10 seconds
elliptical object without sound, 400 meter altitude
dark spool-shaped humming like from a swarm of bees
hissing pillar of water = caused by a tornado?
bird-shaped object, whistling sound, low altitude
luminous ball, no smoke or sound
a thudding sound, slag was found a couple of days later
projectile with two wings, looked like a V1 plane
radar recorded approaching object which turned around, flew 30-50 meters/second
luminous flame, horisontal trajectory
large luminous oblong and metallic-glistening
glistening rod, glowing parts fell from the object
large luminous object, firetail with bursts every second
""25 cm long"", no lights or sounds, distance 1000 meters
silvery torpedo moved slowly
strange white cloud at 100 meter altitude
fireball with luminous tail
luminous yellow-white ball, flew at airplane speed
luminous spool without sound, electricity twinkled
luminous fireball, explosion, red light


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2261May 7, 2015 7:46 PMandersThumbnail = null ()
3799Aug 18, 2015 5:49 PM Thumbnail = ["bc140f40a6d5eac8e807b5abdf86280a.jpg","bc140f40a6d5eac8e807b5ab...
60353Mar 27, 2020 8:58 PMDaniel STranslation = '

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60354Mar 27, 2020 11:15 PMDaniel STranslation = '

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60355Mar 28, 2020 1:30 PMDaniel STranslation = '


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