Report table L16 (1946-07-19 -- 1946-07-19)
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two airplane-like bodies, 2.5 meters long, high speed, crashed into the lake
hissing sound and water was thrown into the air = tornado?
aluminum-coloured ""milk pail"" tumbled slowly through the air
engine-sound and a whining sound, then something hit the water
fireball, travelled over and under the surface of the lake, explosion
explosion, somthing hit the water
dark oblong object with a welding-arc at the back
thermos bottle followed by blue-white shine
a red ball with sparks and lightnings
silver-glistening projectile, sparks


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2260May 7, 2015 7:43 PMandersThumbnail = null ()
3798Aug 18, 2015 5:49 PM Thumbnail = ["1d5ac1a25f9f77599b4ee06ddf0a91ff.jpg","1d5ac1a25f9f77599b4ee06d...
60131Mar 9, 2020 7:40 PMDaniel STranslation = '

[SECRET at 1938 nr. 757]


', Is translate...
60132Mar 9, 2020 8:02 PMDaniel STranslation = '

[SECRET at 1938 nr. 757]

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60133Mar 9, 2020 8:21 PMDaniel STranslation = '

[SECRET at 1938 nr. 757]

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60134Mar 9, 2020 8:34 PMDaniel STranslation = '

[SECRET at 1938 nr. 757]

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60135Mar 9, 2020 8:50 PMDaniel STranslation = '

[SECRET at 1938 nr. 757]

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