1946-08-19 - 1946-02-22: F16 air force wing, Uppsala (radar)
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18% Completed
radar echo in the NE, speed 1.8 km/minute
radar echo to the NE, speed 2.5-5 km/minute
radar echo to the NE
radar echo to the NW, brief sighting
radar echo in the south, speed 300 minutes/second
radar echo in direction SE
radar echo between 1413 and 15.25


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2110May 4, 2015 7:27 PMandersThumbnail = null ()
3738Aug 18, 2015 5:47 PM Thumbnail = ["2b05fbe92314cf975c55bed345213d87.jpg","2b05fbe92314cf975c55bed3...
8928May 2, 2016 2:12 PMfredrikTranslation = '', Important fields = {"field11":"1","field9":"1","field10":"1...
60154Mar 14, 2020 2:08 PMDaniel STranslation = '

ER repports F16 Uppsala

19August 21:50...

60295Mar 22, 2020 3:29 PMDaniel STranslation = '

ER repports F16 Uppsala

19August 21:50...