Report table L32 (1946-08-11 -- 1946-08-11)
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bluewhite ball, tail of sparks
blue-white light, sparks behind
red-glowing cylinder, steaming tail behind
luminous body, narrowing, tail of sparks
red-yellow ball, green-yellow tail
blue-green-white-red, split up
light-ball ""large as a football"", tail of sparks
bluish luminous ball
yellow torpedo-like body, yellow-red tail after
ball with tail of fire, no sound, no smoke
object split up, tail extinguished
stubby nose, blue-yellow shine, tail
oblong body with tail, strongly luminous
white light, sparks in different colours, distinct light
fireball with tail, red-to-green
red-yellow fireball with luminous tail
strong white fireball with tail
redgreen ball, ""drops"" of light
lightball, sparkling tail
light-green ball with a tail
""2 meter long"" with yellow shine, extinguished
red fireball with sparks
ball-like object, streak of fire
distinct light


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2279May 7, 2015 9:00 PMandersThumbnail = null ()
3816Aug 18, 2015 5:50 PM Thumbnail = ["3394c3acda61ddfa102928bda7a814da.jpg","3394c3acda61ddfa102928bd...